The Flowers That Almost Killed The Cat
My sweet and empathetic son has a good friend in his school class who has Strep throat. He felt so bad for her and suggested we buy her some flowers. "Because girls like flowers." It was really sweet so we went to Trader Joe's and bought the perfect bouquet of purple flowers.
His friend was thrilled and put them in a vase before walking out the door to run an errand with her family. When they got back they discovered the cat had eaten one of the lilies. Apparently cats can have kidney failure from eating lilies. So, they called the pet emergency hotline (it's a thing!) and after exchanging pictures of the flower were told they should take it to the animal hospital for testing and monitoring.
The sweet cat has been there for days and thankfully is doing well and hasn't had any signs of kidney failure but he has to stay for a few more days, just to be sure.
I can not imagine how expensive this is.
I feel terrible. Who would have thought?