How Great is Amy Butler
Back when I was making the Weekender Bag by Amy Butler I got a little frustrated. There was 1-2 little parts that didn't make sense. One was the hard plastic sheeting you needed for the false bottom. The directions said you need one sheet but you need to cut two pieces out of it. Unfortunately the dimensions of the plastic sheet and the pieces you needed to cut didn't match up. There just wasn't enough plastic sheeting. The second issue was it was impossible to cut all the pieces I needed out of the interfacing. I ended up piecing it and I think it turned out great, but I wasn't sure if that was what I was supposed to do.

I Finished My 1st Quilt
I finally finished my first quilt! You may recognize it from this post or this post. It took a little longer than I hoped but I love it. The binding was much easier than I thought it would be (thanks Kathy) and I love that I'm not stuck with the store bought binding options. My stitches are big but I like them that way.

My First (real) Quilt
This is my first real quilt. I have made patchwork quilts before but this is the first one where I had to do more than cut squares. I love it! I think it turned out really fresh and modern.
Fabric Shopping Online
I get asked all the time how I can buy fabric without touching it. I've found that I like the feel of some designer's fabrics better than others, so basically trial and error. I love Moda, Michael Miller, Heather Ross and Amy Butler. You could just do a search on Etsy for any of these designers and I'm sure you'll find something you love. I've never bought fabric online that I felt was poor quality, it's just some feel softer and thicker than others.