Candy Cane Pants
Remember last year when I made these pants, these shorts and these shorts? Well, I am at it again. This time I made red and white ticking pants with red contrast piping.
Thursday In The Know: Jeans
I know we all wear jeans. It is just part of the American wardrobe. They look great, keep us warm and make us feel good. But, after reading a NY Times article recently on how the fashion industry is starting to look at zero-waste options I think it may be a while before I buy another pair.

Tuesday Tutorial: Boot to Skinny
As I mentioned yesterday my focus for the week was to go through my clothes, try everything on and get rid of the things I don't like. I found a few things that had a category all their own. Basically I made a fix pile.

Strawberry Pants
Making pants for me has always scared me to death. I attempted once a few years ago but it didn't end well. I have been wanting to make more of my clothes and since I wear pants quite frequently I decided it was about time I gave it a go again.