Spending Fast Week 1 and Weekly Favs
The first week of my spending fast went perfectly. I spent $44.82 at the grocery store, so I will be rolling over the remainder of my $50 budget to this week. I think it gets increasingly harder as the month goes on, so the more I can roll over the better. I don't feel the same struggle as I did when I did it last year. I would like to think it is because I am a stronger, better person but in reality it is probably because I'm doing the Nothing New 2011 Challenge and I already switched up my spending habits. I do miss the thrift store and can't wait to go back in March. I probably won't do another post about the Spending Fast until the end of the month, since I don't really feel like the last week was life altering.
Here are the things I loved this last week around the blogosphere.
This quilt from Lotta Jonsdotter. I love her. She is so simple in design but I swear she makes you want to do everything just like her. Spotted on WiseCraft. This adorable pottery. I am loving all the pennant things I've been seeing and this is the icing on the cake. Spotted on