Baby Gifts & A Bike
This is my latest thrift store steal and I'm so in love. I paid $39 for it and it works wonderfully. When I got it there was dust all over it and the tires were flat.
Thursday In The Know: Spending Fast Food
A few of you have asked what we eat during Spending Fast. I should start by saying my husband is not a huge eater. We always have leftovers, so a meal will last two nights and probably a lunch or two. We also tend to be creatures of habit and eat the same things every day for breakfast and lunch. I do a lot of different things for dinner though, so that's helpful.
Recent Realization of Personal Style
As you know I'm doing the Nothing New 2011 Challenge and it is going well. I feel like not buying things has given me the chance to really focus on personal style both for me and for my home.
Spending Fast Week 1 and Weekly Favs
The first week of my spending fast went perfectly. I spent $44.82 at the grocery store, so I will be rolling over the remainder of my $50 budget to this week. I think it gets increasingly harder as the month goes on, so the more I can roll over the better.

Latest Thrifting Find
I have had some funny luck with the thrift store lately. It's rather hit or miss, which is fine. since it is really close and I enjoy looking. The other day I went on a whim with a friend and didn't find much but I was lucky enough to see these earrings.

Orange Suspenders
As I mentioned in my 2011 Sewing Inspiration post I really wanted to make orange suspenders for Calder. He has since requested green as well. I love how stylish he is and that he gets so excited when I make something for him.