Fruit & Animals
This was my latest haul from Costco. My friend Ariel and I have an awesome system where we go together and then split the food while we eat hot dogs and pizza at the restaurant. Our kids love it, we love it. We do it every few weeks and get a ton of fruit and vegetables. My latest favorites were these tiny pears and the strawberries.

High Angle
This is the view from our roof to the ground below, 14 stories below. As I was taking this picture my little boy said "Mommy, don't drop your camera". Don't worry, I didn't.

Me Made June- June 5
I felt like a librarian today. Which is okay. I like librarians and feel they dress respectably. Although it was in the 80's today I wore this corduroy blazer because it is always cold at church. It was kind of fun to pull out layers again.

June Photo Challenge - Hands
I love the size difference between Calder's 2.5 year old hands and mine. If you're enjoying the daily photo challenge posts, check out the rest of the flickr photos from everyone else participating in the challenge.