The Last of Me Made June
I had such a good time with Me Made June. I really learned where I need to add more to my handmade wardrobe. I think I need more accessories and button up shirts. Those are definitely my favorite handmade things to wear. I also love my jeans and want to make more pants.

Me Made June- June 5
I felt like a librarian today. Which is okay. I like librarians and feel they dress respectably. Although it was in the 80's today I wore this corduroy blazer because it is always cold at church. It was kind of fun to pull out layers again.

Me Made June - June 4
We had a MARVELOUS day! I got to hang out with my little boy AND my hubby. He has been working on the weekends for a long long time but the times are a changin'. We spent the morning in downtown Silver Spring at the farmer's market and playing in the large fountain. Since my husband was home I asked him to take my pictures. Well, he's a little more shy about photo taking than I am and these are the few I got. So this is what you get for today!

Me Made June - June 2
Happy June! I am so excited to kick off this month with this awesome dress that I just finished THIS MORNING! Yep, I was hemming and adding the braided edge while my son ate breakfast. Thankfully I got it done quick because it was perfect for our activities today.

Me Made June - June 1
Happy June! I am so excited to kick off this month with this awesome dress that I just finished THIS MORNING! Yep, I was hemming and adding the braided edge while my son ate breakfast. Thankfully I got it done quick because it was perfect for our activities today.
June Photo Challenge
Over on A Feathered Nest I saw this adorable photo challenge for June and would love to invite you to join me. Above you'll see the list of photos you should take every day. There isn't any sort of award or anything. It is really just for my own fun and I think it will be a good challenge. The only rule is you must take the picture the same day you post or take it the day before to post it on the day it is supposed to be posted.