Maxi Dress Fabric
Remember my maxi dress? Well, Amber, one of the girls that did Me Made March with me bought the same fabric and made an adorable skirt.

Me Made March - March 31
Yay! It's the last day in March. I am a little surprised at how easy Me Made March was. I did have some repeat days but this red and blue striped shirt is the only thing I wore more than twice. This skirt is also made by me. I don't wear it much because it is a little big and therefore fits funny. The zipper was also one of my first zippers and I don't love the way it puckers at the bottom. No, I don't want to show you my zipper puckers.

Me Made March - March 30
What a drab day. Last night Calder spent from 2:00 to 5:00 just hanging out in our bed. He talked, he kicked, he sang songs. We desperately tried to sleep through it all. It didn't work. Jason slept on Calder's bed, I threatened to sleep on the couch. It wasn't pretty. So I was tired, it rained and we didn't really do much today. But we looked cute doing not much.

Me Made March - March 29
Every year I have a similar cycle. In February I get a little bummed because it is the end of the Winter, I'm ready for Spring and it's just cold. Then March hits and it starts to get a little warmer. I spend more time outside and I start having the urge to purge my stuff and spruce up my apartment. So, we took three bags of stuff to the thrift store today and I re-arranged some things. I also did a bit of deep cleaning and feel much better.

Me Made March - March 28
I think I am going to call Chicago my last city guide city for now. I hope you enjoyed it! I do currently live in the DC area but I want to wait before doing a city guide. I have more exploring to do, you know? But I promise as awesome places pop up, I'll let you know about them! So, did you like the city guide? Do you now have a strong desire to visit any of these cities?

Me Made March - March 27
I seem to be obsessed with nautical things these days. As I was surfing Etsy while talking to my sister on the phone (I know you do it too) I found this adorable necklace.

Me Made March - March 26
What a crazy day. I started out thinking we would stay home and decompress after our week of running around DC but a bunch of errands popped up and away we went. The weather is getting cold again and I'm pulling out my thickest wool scarf. I refuse to get out my coat, so this is the outfit for the day.

Me Made March - March 25
Today is the day my family went home. I miss them already and I'm sure you'll miss their far superior photography skills. My brother and mom have both taken some of the better pictures I've had over the last week. Today's pictures are from my 16 year old brother. I think he is quite talented.

Me Made March - March 24
I have wanted gray nail polish for a few months now but since I'm not buying anything new this year it went on the list of things to buy in 2012. My parents are here visiting and we went shopping yesterday.

Me Made March - March 23
Happy Wednesday! The maxi dress is back and I love it just the same. We had a pretty busy day. I dropped my parents of to listen to oral arguments at the Supreme Court and took my brother and Calder to a shopping mall. We walked around and window shopped. My brother didn't have any money and I'm not buying anything new. Believe it or not we didn't buy anything. We sure got a good walk though. And this dress can go the distance.

Me Made March - March 22
Here's a close up of the top. I made a seam down the middle of the front so I could make two longer tails to tie together into a knot in the middle. I love the added texture and interest it adds. It's really hard to get a decent picture at night. Sorry.

Me Made March - March 21
I have been hoping for a rainy day so I could wear my new rain coat. I LOVE this coat. It is so fun and I adore the piping. Actually I adore all piping. As annoying as it can be to sew, it is so worth it. I used Simplicity 2508, which doesn't call for piping so I just added it to each seam I wanted to pipe. This coat was a lot of work but so worth it!

Me Made March - March 19
My parents are here visiting for the first time so we're doing all sorts of fun things in DC. This was taken at the Library of Congress. This is the same shirt I wore on day March 3 although to be honest, I liked that outfit better. All well. You gotta mix things up you know?