Scrap Quilt
About a month ago I told my husband that I wasn't going to buy any more fabric until I used all the fabric in my stash. I didn't think he would make me stick to it! After going through my stash I realized that most of my fabrics weren't big enough to make anything out of, so I made a twin size scrap quilt and I LOVE it.

From Brown Paper Packages to Me to Haiti
I just heard about a woman collecting blankets for a church group going to Haiti in March. The trip was planned before the earthquake and the group is still planning to go.

I Finished My 1st Quilt
I finally finished my first quilt! You may recognize it from this post or this post. It took a little longer than I hoped but I love it. The binding was much easier than I thought it would be (thanks Kathy) and I love that I'm not stuck with the store bought binding options. My stitches are big but I like them that way.

Tree Skirt
This is the tree skirt I made for my mom. She hasn't actually seen it yet but I hope she loves it as much as I do. This was a really fun project that I had to use a lot of creativity for since I wasn't using a pattern. I started with a charm pack of the Moda Figgy Pudding collection and went from there.
Amy Butler
Kati Cupcake is giving away this awesome kit. It is the Quilt Soup kit and I want it something fierce. It is so cute and I would love to have it be my second quilt. You too can enter! Just post a comment on her blog.

After finishing my pinwheel quilt top I am ready to baste. Basting just holds the top, batting and back together so it doesn't shift while quilting. I know some people use safety pins for this but I've heard it allows too much give. I've never tried it. I also know some people just run quick lines on their sewing machine. I prefer just to hand sew wide stitches across my quilt. My stitches are about 1 inch long and I run a row every six inches or so. It doesn't take very long at all and I know my quilt isn't going anywhere. Also, it is very easy to take out once I am all done quilting.

My First (real) Quilt
This is my first real quilt. I have made patchwork quilts before but this is the first one where I had to do more than cut squares. I love it! I think it turned out really fresh and modern.