Baby Gifts & A Bike
This is my latest thrift store steal and I'm so in love. I paid $39 for it and it works wonderfully. When I got it there was dust all over it and the tires were flat.
April Giving - Missionaries
We had a marvelous day! My husband got to stay home today, which may not be a big deal to most of you but it was for us. We started our morning with french toast, using homemade bread and topped it with strawberries, bananas and syrup. It was amazing!
April - A Month Of Giving
A few weeks ago, as Calder and I were riding in the car we saw a homeless man on the side of the road. This certainly isn't a rare occurance for us, but for some reason I felt like I should share with him. I had made us some sandwiches (using homemade bread and jam, no less) and offered him one. He was thrilled! He ate it quickly and thanked me profusely.